Krishna is organizing everything in my path for my own advancement
What is the difference between material duty and eternal duty? How is it that I can keep my job and at the same time I can continue doing bhakti? First of all, it is easy to follow bhakti when we are new devotees because at the beginning Vaishnavas give so much mercy to help us advance.
Surrender to Pure Love
The purpose of knowing dharma is not to be bound to the material nature created by Krishna, not to be bound by illusion. Everything in the world is available – every taste, desire, everything that we may aspire to taste or experience.
The specialty of Purushottama month
Today I want to talk about Purushottama month, which started some time ago. This is a very special month, because it only comes every thirty-two months in order to balance our solar and lunar calendars…
Sri Gurvastakam
Šiandien noriu paaiškinti kas yra Šri Guru – kokie yra bona fide guru požymiai ir pateikti pavyzdžius, kurie minimi Vediniuose šventraščiuose. Visa tai galite pritaikyti ir savo guru. Mūsų Šri Guru yra akanda-guru-tattva, Šri Baladevas Prabhu arba Šri Nitjananda Prabhu, taigi viskas, ką pasakosiu, turėtų būti taikomi jiems ir visiems, kurie atitinka kas čia parašyta.
Chant the holy name: there is no other way
Today I want to speak about several things which are important for the first stages of bhakti. First, always remember Siksastakam where it is said that we must listen to the chanting of the holy name, because the holy name cleanses the mirror of the heart.
Whatever you have to do – do it, but it can be an offering
Vaishnavas are always trying to help us to advance but what do we do according to our nature is that we try to find the comfort zone in the ashram or on the lap of Vaishnavas but this is counterproductive to our advancement because if we get comfortable in the art of service then we won’t be developing.
It is not about perfection
It is very important how do I relate myself to the material world, what type of actions I am performing in the world. In what way we relate to everything it is our morality, our dharma and duty – the way that we relate and produce the result.
Sastriya Sadhu-Sanga
Visa šlovė tam, kuris Viešpatį Krišną, Šri Radhos mylimąjį, Jos gyvenimą ir sielą, laiko daug brangesniu už savo paties gyvenimą. Visa šlovė visa savyje talpinančiam Viešpačiui Krišnai, Kuris yra nayantara, Šri Radhos akių žvaigždė.
Šri Guru-tattva ir Seva
Šiandien turiu galimybę garbinti savo Šri Gurudevą. Praėjusiais metais man taip pat labai pasisekė, kadangi irgi galėjau jį šlovinti, o šiandien ir vėl turiu šią ypatingą progą. Man išties labai pasisekė, kadangi Viešpaties malonės dėka aš galėjau tarnauti Šrilai Gurudevui…
Live with love and see what happens
In Bhagavad-gita Arjuna is asking Krishna: “Why should I fight?” and the problem with Arjuna is that even thought he is a warrior, his heart is not on the right place because he is afraid, he is thinking that everything that is going to be done here is for his own…